Food for the kiddos

Food for the kiddos

Sunday, 5 April 2015

DIY Easter Gift - Easter Choco Eggs Deco Fun

Today I decided to have some fun since Easter is coming. I bought a pack of Easter chocolate eggs with the intention of adding to their Easter theme sandwich box and there are just too many in one packet. Sharing is more fun so I decided to let them bring some to school and share with their classmates.

I gave the kids some stickers and let them create some polka dots eggs. I have many other types of stickers too but I just want to keep the task simple.
Task Completed
They had lots of fun putting the stickers and it is a pretty yet simple gift to make for your friends. 

Below is the list of items you need for the DIY Easter Gift.

Stuff Required :
1. Empty Quail Egg Case
2. Small Chocolate Easter Eggs
3. Assorted Sitckers
4. Ribbon to tie the box (optional)

It is fun. Give it a try it!