Food for the kiddos

Food for the kiddos

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Cinnamon the Dog

I was contemplating if I should make a sandwich today but I managed to squeeze some time last night and did the preparation work in advance. I will share with you step-by-step on how to make the Cinnamon sandwich in another post. 

Cinnamon the Flying Dog
The kids saw pictures of Cinnamon on the Internet last night with all the 'Oooh…Uhh… and Aww…', and went gar gar over it So how can Mummy not make a sandwich to please them?  They thought Cinnamon is a rabbit. Fyi, it is a puppy with long ears that flies. Yap, it's a DOG!

I made ham and cream cheese sandwich and added their favorite almond cookies in the boxes. Cinnamon doesn't come with the bow on the head but I added the bows to secure the ears. The kids loved the small puny oranges in yesterday's sheep sandwich and requested for the same today.   
The kids were chanting 'Cinnamon, Cinnamon, Cinnamon, Cinnamon...' when they saw their sandwiches this morning. I have very happy and satisfied customers today. 

Which ribbon color do you prefer? Pink or Red?